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Re: Emacs?

Not to start a war, but, while i've used emaces, i would suggest also to all Xywrite users to check out vim and gvim.

I'm sorry to say that, it shares a lot of the things i liked about xywrite, and is also infinitely
customizable, and VERY keyboard centric.


On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 07:21:17PM -0500, Carl Distefano wrote:
> Reply to note from Bill Troop  Tue, 12 Nov 2013
> 18:50:05 +0000
> > Emacs!
> Wish I could learn to love it. Wish I could bring myself to *learn* it,
> period. The "infinitely customizable/programmable" mindset is similar to
> Xy's, but, oh, that command set. I have a mental block against it. And I
> could be wrong about this, but Emacs seems to be a glorified line
> editor, not a word-processor. I don't print many documents for personal
> use, but I do expect text to wrap when it reaches the right margin. Auto
> Fill and the various specific Fill commands seem like a lot of trouble
> to achieve that very basic end. Am I wrong?
> --
> Carl Distefano
> cld@xxxxxxxx