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Server wrongly deleted Michael Norman's attached file - can anyone please help?

   Sorry to come in with a request like this, especially when I am mostly
silent on this list; but in a recent e-mail from Michael Norman which included
two attached files, I found the following message inserted at the top by my
Internet provider:

Warning: This message has had one or more attachments removed
Warning: (XYWrite.app.tam).
Warning: Please read the "VirusWarning.txt" attachment(s) for more

In addition, the file mentioned (XYWrite.app.tam) was removed, and replaced by
a virus warning message. They seem to do this occasionally, and it really
annoys me when the removed file is in fact legitimate.
   I've written to my Internet provider asking them if they can discontinue
doing this with my e-mail, and also if they can send me the file which was
removed. I'm not all that optimistic that they will be willing or able to
comply with the first of these requests, and very pessimistic about their
ability to comply with the second.
   Meanwhile, although I have been mostly silent here (largely because I have
no expertise in XyWrite to share with anyone), I am interested in the program,
and like to receive any files like this which may assist me one day.
   I wonder if I could ask if someone would please be kind enough to send
this file to me with a disguised name (maybe ending in ".txt") which will fool
the server into letting the file through. (This may work, and may not: I do
seem to recall one occasion when they wouldn't let through even something named
to end in ".txt". But it's worth a try in this case.)
   Or alternatively, is the file available on a web site anywhere?
   Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

   And if my Internet provider can't or won't comply with my two requests, I
am going to seriously look at moving somewhere else - even though I've been
with them for over 7 years with a time-unlimited account, and they've made
quite a bit of money out of my custom. In my opinion, this behaviour on their
part is paternalistic, interfering, unacceptable, and just quite beyond the

             Michael Edwards.

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