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Re: Creating a Helpkey


Terrific! And more educational than the birdie routine in U2.
Here's the Helpkey demo again, XPLencoded for U2 users who already
have a Helpkey. Issue DECODE, save the code as HELPKEY.DMO
(or any name you choose), then RUN it.

b-gin [UNTITLED]
;*; DEMO - Create Helpkey [CLD 1/26/08-a][cr|lf];*;[cr|lf]{<}
SX01,{<}VA$KB{>}{>}[BX_]gofile {<}PV01{>}[Q2_]{<}IF@not({<}ER
{>}){>}{<}PRYou must ABort or STore your keyboard file!{>}{<}
EX1{>}{<}EI{>};*;[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf];*; Switch to Editor's dire
X_]cd {<}PV03{>}[Q2_];*;[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf];*; Open window, put
 formats, set S/Gs[cr|lf]{<}SX01,{<}VA$WA{>}{>}{<}IF{<}PV01{>
}<1{>}{<}PRNo window{>}{<}EX1{>}{<}EI{>}[BX_]es 1[Q2_][BX_]fu
nc #{<}PV01{>}[Q2_][BX_]ne/100[Q2_]{<}SV02,{<}OF0,0{>}{<}FD27
_]d nw="+{<}IS07{>}+" [Q2_]"{>}[BX_]d nw=3[Q2_];*;[cr|lf];*;[
cr|lf];*; Demo-put {<}SU07,{>}[cr|lf]{<}SU07,{<}LBb{>}{<}IF{<
V08{>}[FF_]{<}GLb{>}{<}EI{>}{>};*;[cr|lf];*; Demo-pause {<}SU
10,{>}[cr|lf]{<}SU10,{<}PRHit any key|Esc quits{>}{<}SX04,{<}
RK{>}{>}{<}PR {>}{<}IF{<}VA$KC{>}<2{>}{<}GT11{>}{<}EI{>}{>};*
;[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf];*; Demo-cls {<}S
R@09{>}{>};*;[cr|lf];*; Demo-end {<}SU11,{>}[cr|lf]{<}SU11,{<
}{<}EI{>}[BX_]ab/nv[Q2_]{<}PV06{>}{<}PRDemo stopped{>}{<}EX1{
{062}}{>};*;[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf]This demo shows how to create a U2 [
BX_]md bo[Q2_]Helpkey[BX_]md nm[Q2_]. That's the key you'll{032}
use to launch U2 routines from the command line.[cr|lf][cr|lf
](Whenever the demo pauses, simply hit any key to continue --
 or Escape to quit the demo.)[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>};*;[cr|lf][cr|l
f]{<}SV04,{<}MDBO{>}NOTE: Despite appearances to the contrary
, this tutorial makes NO MODIFICATIONS whatsoever to any of y
our files!{<}MDNM{>}{>}{<}GT04{>}[cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}Let'
s get started...{<}GT10{>}[cr|lf][cr|lf]{<}GT12{>}[cr|lf]In t
his demo, we'll assign the  to F12 (key #88). Of co
urse, you can use any key you like for the .{<}GT10{
{062}}[cr|lf][cr|lf]First, let's CAll your keyboard file ({<}VA$K
B{>}). We'll use the CA/100 switch to force the file to open
 in eXPanded view...{<}GT10{>}{<}SX04,"ca/100 "+{<}VA$KB{>}{>
}[BC_]{<}GT07{>}{<}GT10{>}{<}SX04,{<}VA$KB{>}{>}[BX_]gofile {
<}PV04{>}[Q2_]{<}IF{<}ER{>}{>}[BX_]ca/100 {<}PV04{>}[Q2_]{<}E
I{>}[TF_]{<}GT10{>}[BX_]func #{<}PV01{>}[Q2_]{<}GT12{>}[cr|lf
][cr|lf]Now, let's locate the key assignment for F12 -- that'
s key #88 in the unshifted table (TABLE=)...{<}GT10{>}[AS_][B
X_]p[Q2_][BC_]{<}SV04,se /TABLE=[wC]/{>}{<}GT07{>}{<}GT10{>}[
XC_];*;[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}[BC_]{<}SV04,se /[wC]88=/{>}{<}GT07{>
}{<}GT10{>}[XC_]{<}IF{<}ER{>}{>}{<}PRUnexpected error: Key #8
8 not defined! Aborting...{>}[BX_]p[Q2_]{<}GT11{>}{<}EI{>}
;*;[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}[BX_]func #{<}PV01{>}[Q2_];*;[cr|lf]{<}GT
12{>}[cr|lf]Okay. Now let's "comment out" (disable) any exis
ting key assignment for key #88...{<}GT10{>}[AS_][GT_][LB_]{<
#{<}PV01{>}[Q2_];*;[cr|lf][cr|lf][cr|lf]Next, let's create a{032}
new assignment for key #88 and insert the Helpkey keyboard co
{>};*;[cr|lf][BX_]func #{<}PV01{>}[Q2_];*;[cr|lf][cr|lf][cr|l
f]Good! There are only two steps left to go.{<}GT10{>}[cr|lf
][cr|lf]First, remember to STore (or SAve) your keyboard file
10{>}[BX_]ab/nv[Q2_];*;[cr|lf][cr|lf]Finally, you'll need to{032}
re-LOAD the keyboard file for the change to take effect.{<}GT
10{>}[cr|lf]{<}SX04,"[BC_]load "+{<}VA$KB{>}{>}{<}GT07{>}{<}G
T10{>};*;[cr|lf]{<}GT12{>}[cr|lf][cr|lf]Congratulations, you'
ve created a Helpkey!{<}PR {>}[BX_]p 2[Q2_][cr|lf][cr|lf]Let'
s review the steps:{<}GT10{>}[cr|lf][cr|lf]1) CAll your keybo
ard file[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}2) Locate the key you wish to modify
[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}3) ;;Comment out any existing assignment at{032}
that location[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}4) Insert your new key assignme
nt[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}5) STore or SAve your keyboard file[cr|lf]
{<}GT10{>}6) Re-LOAD your keyboard file[cr|lf]{<}GT10{>}[cr|l
f]Press any key to end the demo...[cr|lf]{<}SX04,{<}RK{>}{>}{

Carl Distefano

Harry Binswanger