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Have we heard from TTG recently? Have we heard one way or the other on
whether SmartWords will ever make it into our tembling hands? Did I miss

I don't want to dump on TTG, who is our only hope, but I really can't
understand why the program has never made it onto CDROM for us. There
aren't *that* many of us interested, and we can do without labels,
instructions, help files and all the other niceties.

In a vaguely related vein (vain?!), XyDOS does not seem to have the
speed advantage on Windows 2000 Pro that it did with earlier operating
systems. It's not sluggish, mind you, but with my new 550mhz, 192meg
portable running Win2000, programs like WinEdt and even Word are not
frustrating slower than XyWrite, and I get a sense that XyWrite has a
slight hesitation. Maybe it is because Win2000 has to *emulate*
DOS???  ---all the more reason to hope for SmartWords.
