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Re: Off topic: Online Store | Weird page design effect

At 17:45 Uhr -0800 14.01.2002, J. R. Fox wrote:

>{If you want to see something pretty neat, go to
>http://www.computergiants.com   and pass your mouse cursor
>over their logo in the upper left corner of the screen.
>I have no idea how (or WHY) they are producing this effect,
>but at least you can prove that I'm not hallucinating.}

Ummm... what effect? Without Java, nothing happens here, and with Java, my
computer freezes.
The term for me would "frustrating", rather than "hallucinating". Can
somebody enlighten me as to what pleasure I am missing?

-- Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo (rrr @ twics.com)