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Re: Euro in Xy3

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Derukugi wrote:

> Would it be possible to fake a Euro symbol with an entry
> in a .prn file so that I can print it from XY3?
> Tia
> --Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo 

Dear Rene,
   Quite possibly. It would help if I could remember what the Euro
symbol looked like...! Before XY4 gave us a fuller set of foreign
characters, I wanted the French ligature "oe" in XY3 and wrote some
printer commands into the .PRN file to "make" the character. Of course I
had to define a new width (very wide!) for this special character,
especially in majescule, and certain fonts needed different widths. But
most worked very well with just one "average" width.
   Is there a way you can smash two characters together or overlay them
to form the Euro symbol?

