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Re: Euro in Xy3

On Fri, 6 Nov 1998 22:05:32 -0700 (MST), Carlo Caballero wrote:

>On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, Derukugi wrote:
>> Would it be possible to fake a Euro symbol with an entry
>> in a .prn file so that I can print it from XY3?
>> Tia
>> --Rene von Rentzell, Tokyo 
>Dear Rene,
>   Quite possibly. It would help if I could remember what the Euro
>symbol looked like...!

It's a little "c" impaled with an equal sign. Go to


to see it, and go to


to see whether your browser supports it.

I've been told that the latest fixpacks for OS/2 support the euro in
codepage 850 (Alt-213, so I'm told) but I'll be damned if I can pull it
up. Can't even see it in the browser, but I haven't spent a lot of
time trying to get Unicode working here.

If Mr. Holmgren isn't way ahead of the rest of us on this I'll eat my

Rafe T.


>Before XY4 gave us a fuller set of foreign
>characters, I wanted the French ligature "oe" in XY3 and wrote some
>printer commands into the .PRN file to "make" the character. Of course I
>had to define a new width (very wide!) for this special character,
>especially in majescule, and certain fonts needed different widths. But
>most worked very well with just one "average" width.
>   Is there a way you can smash two characters together or overlay them
>to form the Euro symbol?