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Re: VB/Win8

Many thanks for this Harry - - it sounds like it could solve a lot of
problems I now face. I really am amazed that it is considered
possible to omit important keys (NumLock, all possible numeric keypad
codes, PgUp,Dn,Home, End) on 15-inch (!!!) laptops where there is
plenty of room for them. Poor left/right click response at the
peripheries of the buttom area of the unified touchpad are also
concerns. These new laptops are utter marvels, but they are losing
basic navigation capabilities!! Unfortunately, the computer press, of
which I am now only a very lowly member indeed, is doing nothing to
arrest the rot, as should be its function.

At 30/12/2013 18:01, you wrote:
For non-XyWrite programs, such as InDesign, I can't recommend highly enough AutoHotkey. It's beauty is its non-GUI interface. It let's you program directly. E.g., for your laptop use of numlock keys:


would make it send ctrl-4 to InDesign as a Numpad4.

And you can set it up to do that only with InDesign, thus

#IfWinActive InDesign
The second #IfWinActive is used to end the section that is specific to InDesign
Autohotkey uses ^ for control, ! for alt, and + for Shift.
Now I haven't tested the above specifically, so I may have some slight syntax errors, but here is what I do use with InDesign:

^1::MsgBox in InDesign window
SetNumLockState, On
^f::Send ^f
!-::Send,{U+2009}{U+2014}{U+2009} ;{U+2009}{U+2009}{U+2009}{U+2009}
^o::Send {Esc}wt
^5::Send ^{NumPad8}
^Enter::Send +{Enter}
!Enter::Send {Backspace}{Enter} ;
+!Enter::Send {Backspace}{Enter}^{NumPad7}
^i::Send ^{NumPad4}
!a::Send {Backspace}{Backspace}{Enter}{Backspace}
!g::Send ^j
^+g::Send ^j
^p::Send ^~

NumPad5::Send ^~
^l::Send !^f          ; IN DESIGN
!o::Send ^o
!h::Send ^!{NumPad0}
 Send {Backspace}{Enter}
 Sleep 200
 Send ^6
^+f::Send !to
Home::send ^+{PgUp}
End::Send ^+{PgDn}

Free at: www.autohotkey.com
Jon's message reminded me to mention something I have found.
One huge problem with many new laptops is that in addition to not having numlock keys (and therefore no internal keypad; making shortcuts impossible, for example, in InDesign), many do not have page down/end, etc. They only have 4 arrow keys and FN-arrow key gives you pg-dn, etc. BUT, Fn+CTRL+arrow doesn't work.
That means remapping in XyWrite. I write this to note that whilst
mapping TP (top of file) and BF (bottom of file) to Ctrl-Up Arrow
and Ctrl-Down Arrow, I noticed that I was getting some garbage
characters in Xy/VBox/Win8.1/XP.

The simple cure is to insert NI, before TF in the keyboard file.

It is amazing how limitless are XyWrite's talents!
I imagine there must be some keyboard remapping utilities that would be a help with these really annoying (often high end!) laptops that don't, for reasons of style (I presume) any longer have anything to do with numeric keypad assignments or even the basic complement of cursor keys we have every right to expect. Harrumph!