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Re: Converting from XyDos to XyWin

Reply to note from "riverunner"  Mon,
30 Aug 1999 17:29:51 -0500

-> I am having a hell of a time converting my documents from XyWin
-> to XyWrite III Plus.

You don't need to "convert". Turn on XyWrite 3+ compatibility mode!

Open your XyWin settings file (XWSET.DFL) and search for "DF Y3".
If it's not there, add the following line (or edit the existing
line, if the value is set to 0):

; Y3 sets XyWrite 3+ compatibility mode [1=on|0=off]
DF Y3=1

This forces XyWin to omit units of measurement when you enter
formatting statements from the CMline -- LM 10 produces 
instead of , and so forth. It may also enable XyWin to
recognize  Printer Type statements -- though it may do so in
any event (I forget).

Also, make sure that you've set horizontal and vertical units of
measurement to Deci-Inches (tenths of an inch) and LInes,
respectively, thus:

; UH sets horizontal unit of measure
DF UH=di,di
; UV sets vertical unit of measure
DF UV=li,li

Turn off Relative Tabs, as these are unknown to III+:

; RT is relative tabs [1=on; 0=off]

SAve and re-LOAD XWSET.DFL. You should see a difference.

Carl Distefano