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Re: Converting from XyDos to XyWin

Dear Carl,

Thank you, thank you, thank you. It worked brilliantly.

Mimi Gauthier-LeBien

-----Original Message-----

>You don't need to "convert". Turn on XyWrite 3+ compatibility mode!
>Open your XyWin settings file (XWSET.DFL) and search for "DF Y3".
>If it's not there, add the following line (or edit the existing
>line, if the value is set to 0):
>; Y3 sets XyWrite 3+ compatibility mode [1=on|0=off]
>DF Y3=1
>This forces XyWin to omit units of measurement when you enter
>formatting statements from the CMline -- LM 10 produces 
>instead of , and so forth. It may also enable XyWin to
>recognize  Printer Type statements -- though it may do so in
>any event (I forget).
>Also, make sure that you've set horizontal and vertical units of
>measurement to Deci-Inches (tenths of an inch) and LInes,
>respectively, thus:
>; UH sets horizontal unit of measure
>DF UH=di,di
>; UV sets vertical unit of measure
>DF UV=li,li
>Turn off Relative Tabs, as these are unknown to III+:
>; RT is relative tabs [1=on; 0=off]
>DF RT=0
>SAve and re-LOAD XWSET.DFL. You should see a difference.
>Carl Distefano