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New keyboard documentor for Xy

Hi Fred,

When I read your post, I thought I should finally release this in-house application that I have been
using for years. It is basically a documenting system for Xy keyboard files. It uses the same
approach as my Compile utility, but is implemented with good old Clipper compiler. The download
package contains a sample .kt file, the EXE application and its source code. The idea is to make
editing kdb files easier. You can comment out lines with just a space and the data stays in the kt
file. Or you could switch key definitions and try new ones by adding several lines with the same
number just by commenting out unwanted lines by spaces. I hope this will be of some use for at least
some fellow Xywriters.

Downloadable at: http://www.lexitec.fi/xywrite/utility.html

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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