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Re: XyWrite for Windows won't load

** Reply to note from David_Harris@xxxxxxxx (David Harris) Mon, 25 Nov 1996 11:05:47 -0500
> When I double-click on the XyWin icon,... the XyWrite screen comes up, and I get the
> little message at the bottom telling me which files are loading, and then it stops.
> It always stops at BX230611.SPD.

That's the Courier Bold Italic font. Is that the _first_ of Speedo fonts read
during initialization, or just one of many (after others have been successfully read) -- or
possibly the last one (it has the highest number of all the .SPDs)? Monitor the PRompt line
carefully during init. Have you tried deleting this font entirely from the directory in
which fonts are located? What's your UWF setting? Suggest you List the file (with an
external List program) and compare the format with other .SPD files,
especially in the header region, looking for signs of corruption. You might try writing the
files into another directory, and make sure that 230611 is written somewhere in the middle
of that directory -- then change the pointer for variable OL (OutLine_fonts) in XWSET.DFL to
the new directory name (could be your directory has some garbage entries in it -- or hidden
files, or is just fucked up somehow, hard to say). The only thing sure is that something is
wrong, and eventually you'll find it.

Robert Holmgren