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Re: Full-screen vs. Windowed

mhchoate wrote:
when I have PDFs, would it feasible to convert them to XyWrite and index from this document?
You could convert PDFs to Xy plain text (need the additional program
GHview to convert PDF to text). the problem is that the pagination
would very likely go down the tubes. And pagination is essential to
The final product that I send to my client is a Word file, just a
regular typed index. (I typed features/attributes that I needed in Word,
created an RTF, and looked at that RTF in XyWrite, to see what the codes
were. Wrote a XyWrite program to make an RTF ... that is just a long
string of CI's. Worked the first time. XyWrite amazes.)
Yes, it does. Carl and Robert have a SAve to RTF routine in U2. Just beware of any clients dumb enough to listen to Microsludge's siren song about DOCX. It's a snare and a delusion.
I scanned a lot of the links from XyWrite.com last night .... (I went
looking to see if I could buy a new manual, spiral bound)....
Bry Henderson, the Webmaster of XyWrite.com, is working on scanning
and OCRing the Xy III and 4 manuals, but like everyone else he never
has time enough. He did get the Customization Guide to Xy 4 done, and
it, along with a booklet on XPL originally issued by Xyquest and TTG,
and updated by Robert, will be on the CD I'm going to send you.

Patricia M. Godfrey