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RE: memory and pers.spl

On Tue, 17 Mar 98 15:38:33 -0500, Jonathan Beard wrote:

>But if I have PERS1.SPL, PERS2.SPL, etc, what will happen when I add
>a new word to my personal dictionary? It would now go to PERS.SPL.
>Will it go to PERS1.SPL? Will PERS.SPL still be part of my loading
>sequence--because George implies it would not.

This shouldn't be that hard, Jonathan, at least it hasn't been in my
experience. The way I do it is simply to load both of them at the same
time at startup -- here's how it looks in my STARTUP.INT file:

	BX(load c:\x\dickp+c:\x\dicko);*;

Are you trying to ensure you can update the personal dictionary
on-the-fly? This hasn't been a concern of mine -- but when I feel the
need, I just add the entries, manually, to the shorter file, and run
the statement above. ("Add to personal dictionary" has never worked
for me -- maybe because I use non-standard names such as above.)

When I need to change one, I pull up the shorter one and add the two
entries to the bottom.