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Re: Windows XP?


>From your Mar 11 message:

> Re: CH*, yeah it FROZE -- and it froze because of a carriage return in the
> change spec.

> SEarch in U2 for frame {{5encode}}
> Look in S/G 01 for a RED carriage return.

I'm now in 5encode in XYWWWEB.U2, expanded mode, and there
are 6 red carriage returns, the first in a vertical list
followed by =[255+192+155]3[wC], the others in a sort of
paragraph section introduced by XPLeNCODE; these are
followed by Q2 or by superscript n.

> DeFine that one character -- just the RED carriage return, nothing else
> SEarch for {{5ch*,ci*,cv*,se*}}, down in the mudflats near the end of file

SEarch from the top finds no 5ch* anywhere in the file,
SEarch 5ch finds only {{5Chkseq}} in the Auxilliary
Utilities section, and no cv at all.

> Look in the red "Begin" section for a long string of red chars (in S/G 16)

I'm SEarching from the top for Save/Get and find nothing
later than 01.

There's more, but at this point it strikes me that upgrading
to v112 would be easier for all concerned.

Food first, however.


> CoPy (insert) the red carriage return into this string, after the red "S" and
> before the red "-" dash (or minus sign, whatever)
> Release DeFine
> Go down about 5 lines past the red "End" label, to where it says:
> BX  Q2 DO FF 
> DeFine the "DO FF ", and MoVe those 2 functions in front of the BX , like this:
> DO FF BX  Q2 
> On CMline, command "loadhelp"
> You're done.