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Conversion problem, ...URGENT

Sorry to seem so pressed, but I have a bit of a problem
this morning. A publisher of a book I submitted last
August 2001 contacted me this morning, and he wants a
MSWORD version of my XY4.018 files, ...immediately. It
seems to me that XY4.018 was acceptable till yesterday,
now it isn't. Really? So here is my question: What is
the easiest way for me to get the conversion done, in-
volving a minimum of tweaking on my part? I realize that
there has been some discussion of this issue in the recent
part, but it did not seem to me that there was much of
a concensus. The remarks of someone who has faced the
problem would be especially appreciated, ...as would any-
one else's observations. In advance, thank you.

M.W. Poirier