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Re: Unicomp followup


While I am particular about my keyboard with function keys on the left,
I have lately come to think that even any modern decent keyboard could
do the trick. Apart from DOS programs, the old layout is not supported
by modern editors, etc., that is, if you do not customize keyboard
layouts according to some old system.

On the other hand, it is easy to devise alternative layouts for Xy/NB
use. And some new-fangled key combinations are surreptitiously creeped
even into my DOS keyboard layouts (like Ctrl-S for Save). Earlier, I
used to model my keyboards according to DOS MS-Word function key layout
(Word being my first word processor). Now that I seldom use DOS Word, my
system of coordinated keyboard layouts (which I had for DOS and Win 3.1
programs ’ I used to edit Win 3.1 accelerator tables with a resource
editor to accomplish this) is no longer properly enforced. As they say
in French: Tout passe, tout lasse, tout casse.

So, if and when I lose the ability to use my Avant Stellar through
breakage, I am not sure that I would be buying a Unicomp to replace it.
There are other keyboards that might be tempting like the Kinesis
Freestyle Edge Split Gaming Keyboard. Still the concept of a split
keyboard does not appeal much to me.

In this day and age, there are very many custom or semi-custom keyboard
makers, and it should be possible to order a custom keyboard with any
features you need (even oddly placed function keys). I wonder whether
anyone has even tried contacting the eventual manufacturers of such

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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Yes, but I think I added the caveat that if you want audible/tactile feedback, you'll be disappointed; and no function keys on the left, of course. For myself, func keys at the top are fine and I like my keyboards pianissimo, so I'm usually happy with the generic products. But these are personal choices, and I certainly understand why others are willing to pay a premium to satisfy their preferences. My keyboard, myself -- something that cannot be said of a touch screen. -- Carl Distefano cld@xxxxxxxx