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Re: Spelling Dictionaries for XyWrite 3.57

" Armando Daza:
" >I'm in "desperate need" of spelling dictionaries in Spanish, French and
" >Brazilian Portuguese to use with XyWrite 3.57.
" Until you find any, you could jerry-rig a primitive one.
" Just spellcheck jobs and use lists of correct words as
" new dictionaries. I've done it for German, Danish, and Norwegian,
" and it works surprisingly well for me. A 100 page file (if the
" subject is familiar) leaves me with 20 words or so, most them
" typos.
" I'm sorry if that was too obvious to mention. (I am new here.)
" -- Rene 
 	No, not obvious. What do you mean spellcheck jobs?
	I think, don't have The book here, that you can
	rename any file to xxx.spl and use that as a
	spellchecker, but wouldn't the English root leave
	some wrong foreign words in "correct" English?

	I wonder how the famed dirty book writer, Ed Cray,
	found the Xy spell check? But then most of the songs
	in his books use euphemisms, often 'stet' or leave

					D. Say