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XY-> > I enjoy program writing, but I'm also exceedingly lazy: my
 -> > favorite program allows up to a thousand changes to any number
 -> > of files simultaneously and it's dependent at one point on help
 -> > frame F. Yes, it sounds pretentious; I doubt whether I've ever
 -> > made more than 30 changes at any one time to a group of files.

XY-> Ah, then you have never had the pleasure of "cleaning up" a file converted
 -> to XyWrite (any version) from Winweird 6.0. Hundreds of deltas to go, just
 -> for starters!

Hi, Leslie--

Well, if you'd be interested in such a program, I can upload it
somewhere or another for you. Years ago I distributed it to a
number of BBSs (when one sent files rather than money for
downloading privileges). (But I have to check it against v. 4
first, unless you use v. 3.5).

My favorite cheat for WordPerfect and Word is to use Ventura
4.2 or earlier (beginning with v. 5, Corel switched to the Word
for Word translators, alas) as the translator, which strips out
most codes but leaves in font attributes and tabs. But it doesn't
handle footnotes. (An interesting alternative is to use Quark as
the translator to xtags and convert xtags in XyWrite itself;
WordPerfect footnotes become "end notes" upon going into Quark.)


 ? SLMR 2.1a ? Art + write + dtp = chet.gottfried@xxxxxxxx