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Re: XyWrite for Windows

** Reply to note from "Bob Brody"  Sat, 7 Dec 1996

Hi Bob.

> However, the right Alt key ain't
> splitting. Is this a Windows/XyWrite thing, taking over the Alt
> key, or should the right Alt key be able to split from the left
> Alt key in the kbd file, thus using one (the right Alt key, in my
> case) for one's own hotkeys instead of it being used for the
> menus?

It's a Windows thing (although XyQuest didn't necessarily have to play by
their rules). Windows wants the Alt key, lotsa grief in consequence. Ctrl
and Shift you can split, left & right, without any problem. I remember
trying to give Windows the left Alt key with "ALT=56" while stealing
RightALT for my own purposes, but can't recall whether it works. Try
naming it differently, e.g. "RDUMMY=98".

> In Xy 3.55, and other versions, we can integrate our own XPL with
> the help facility and I created numerous routines that
> interactively utilize 3.55's ability to fashion custom help
> frames; Type 5, Type 1, Type C, etc., etc.

Some of the frame Type-names have changed, but basically it's all there.
RTM, it's pretty thorough; you might try to acquire the Xy4DOS
Customization Guide also, you'll find there pretty much everything that's
missing from the XyWin manual. There are now multiple Help files; the ones
with user programming are U2 (probably doesn't exist on your system unless
you create it), plus .DLG and .MNU. Don't screw around with .DLG and .MNU
unless you really know what you're doing; they belong to XyQuest. Download
REORGNZ2.ZIP and SMARTSnn.ZIP from ftp://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/pub/eaan --
they'll convey an idea of how to implement XyWin programming

> I don't know from fonts or typefaces or
> proportional spacing, etc. My documents have to be monospaced,
> using a single font, such as Pica characters, whatever. Ten
> characters per inch.

Open up XWSET.DFL. Try these settings (my defaults, actually; old habits
never die):

DF UF=Courier New (TrueType)
DF SY=23Z,10,0,3
DF PW=85DI (**don't use III+-style LM and RM anymore!**)
DF AL=1 (AutoLeading, should give you 6 lines/inch with Courier)

> Simiarly, is there a column indicator? In 3.55 there's the ruler

See UI argument #5, turn the ruler ON=1:

;UI turns on buttons, format bar, and other user interface features
on,12Placeholder reserved for future use:
;default is DF UI=1,2,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,2,0
;DF UI=0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1 is interesting!
DF UI=1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1
;   C S B F R X H V|C S B P
;   ----On/Off-----|Position

> P.S. Is it fair to assume that this is the end of the line for XyWrite

No. Xy5 is announced. They're gonna call it Smart Words or some dumb
thing like that. Another Windows app. End of the line for a text-mode
WP? Probably. The owner (Ken Frank) asked the other day what enhancements
people might like to see in a bug-fix of III+ -- but I wouldn't put money
on it.

> or is the suggestion box still open for future versions
> and enhancements?

TTG will probably say they they're eager to hear from you. 99.99% of the
time they ignore us, though.


Robert Holmgren