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Re: XyWin Unresponsive

Reply to note from Peter Cassidy  Wed, 07 Mar
2007 21:04:48 -0500

> Thought I had this going - now when I CLIPW to load something
> into the Windows clip board XY4 shouts at me "Customization
> file requires a file label". Ah, what is that supposed to mean?

It means that your loaded U2 file doesn't have the ";U2;" identifier
at the top of the file, or that some other customization file is
missing its 2-character top-of-file ID. (The latter possibility
seems unlikely since CLIPW invokes no customization file other than
U2.) If the U2 file ID is missing, then something went radically
wrong in your attempt to install U2. In that case, I would start
over from scratch: download the ZIP file again, and follow the setup
instructions carefully.

When you say, "I CLIPW to load something into the Windows clip
board", what exactly are you doing? Issuing CLIPW from the
CMline, using a keyboard shortcut, or ... what? Is text DeFined
when you issue the command, or are you supplying a CMline argument,
or ... what? Be specific, please. This *will* work if you set it
up and use it correctly, but for us to be able to tell you where
you're going wrong, we'll need to know exactly what it is you're

Once you've reinstalled U2, the first command to try is
VA/NV U2. It should report the full path and filename of the
loaded U2 file. If that works, try TEST-INSTALL. It
should return a Welcome message and the current U2 version number
(v119). Once you've gotten that far, we can move on to CLIP.

Carl Distefano