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Anthrax and germs

 Fallacy of the Germ Theory which also applies to Anthrax

 How pathetic to see persons in space suits investigating envelopes and
their contents which are innocuous and do not pose the threat that pollution
from industry and chemical contamination does. The contents are far less
harmful than the refined, salted and adulterated food civilized man eats.

 Germs are not the real cause of ill-health. If they were life would have
ceased a long time on planet earth - they are plentiful and everywhere. It
is said that we have every known germ in our system at all times. Dr Alfred
Pulford MD had this to say about the fallacy of vaccines and immunization.
 "Anyone who can prevent an occurrence positively that he does not know is
bound to occur is indeed a seventh day wonder".

 Evidence seems to point to gross exaggeration and exploitation of the germ
theory as means of creating fear in the public mind.

 Germs do not act in the way that medical orthodoxy persistently declares.
Prof Metchnikoff maintained he had found the bacilli of Asiatic Cholera in
the waters of several localities where no epidemic had been known to occur.
To prove that deadly germs were harmless in a healthy body, Prof
Tentenkoffer swallowed several million of Cholera germs and suffered no
ill-effects. Prof Emmrich made a culture from the intestines of recently
dead victims of the same disease, swallowed millions of the germs, and
remained alive and well. Dr Thomas Powell went one better and introduced the
germs of seven supposed to be deadly diseases into his bloodstream. Once
again nothing untoward happened.

 "Organisms of a pathogenic character are often found in the body in
considerable numbers without any disease being present or, alternatively,
with a disease of which they are supposed to cause. On the other hand there
are many cases in which patients have all the clinical symptoms of a
particular disease but the causative agent cannot be found even after the
most careful and skilful search. In other cases the organisms do not appear
till at a late stage in the disease, which is difficult to explain if they
are the causes to it".
 Essay on the "Relation of Micro-organism to Disease" by Jocelyn C P Proby
MA B Litt (Oxon).

 In vital facts about food by Otto Carque he says:
 "The theory that diseases are directly caused by germs, has arisen from a
lack of understanding of the laws of biology and physiological chemistry".
 He goes on to say, "In fifty years of intensively exploiting the germ
theory, there is not one disease that has been positively proved to be
primarily of germ origin and not one that can be cured according to the germ

 Cyril Scott in Health Diet and Commonsense says.
 Vast sums of money are made by chemists and others as the result of this
all-to-facile theory, but there is no money to be made out of teaching
people to live in such a way that their body will not provide a soil in
which germs can thrive.
 If your diet consists of a big percentage of raw food and you drink the
best available water, and daily you ensure that your bowels work
efficiently, you should have no fear of germs or any other related phobia.
Germs, bacteria and viruses cannot live in a clean environment.
 In an article on water it was stated that water is 50 percent more
effective than the best antibiotics. If it is more effective you cannot
qualify it by saying it is 100 percent or 1000 percent more beneficial for
that matter. Therefore, by keeping our inside clean by drinking sufficient
water, and if you are scared of being infected by anthrax that has been
inhaled all one has to do is to sniff water up the nostrils. No germ can
live when it is flooded and flushed with plain water. Nothing that the
laboratory can produce that will surpass what water can achieve, and with
fresh air rhythmically inbreathed it is our best medicine.