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Re: SWEEP WORKS! searching subdirectories

Re updating U2 to v112

> I thought I had followed the instructions to the letter, but
> apparently not.
A memory has kicked in. I followed the instructions not to
the letter but to the semicolon--"Rub out (erase) this
DeFined block;"--so I erased using shift+f12. Then I got
beyong the semicolon to discover I was supposed to use func
DN to do the erasure, so I started from scratch and did
it the right way, BUT is there a block of v105 in the delete
buffer gumming up the works? If so, how do I get rid of it?

Also, please answer the following:

> I now have three theoretically new files my xy4 > directory,
> XYWWWEB.U2, which is actually v105; XYWWWEB.USR and
> XYWW_U2.001. Do I erase the last two before I start all
> over?
> XYWWWEB.TXT is the instruction file dated 7/15/00, > right?

Judith Davidsen