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Re: Xy5 progress--and a query for you



On Fri, 12/14/18, Myron Gochnauer  wrote:

 Subject: Re: Xy5 progress--and a query for you
 To: "xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" 
 Date: Friday, December 14, 2018, 10:05 AM

 > ...features of Nota Bene 12...
 > KEEP:
 > Editing; Formatting; Headers and
 > Footers; Footnotes and Endnotes;
 > Styles; Numbering; Spell Check;
 > Printing; Customization and Programming (=
 > LOSE:
 > Manuscript Files; Tables and Columns;
 > Frameworks and Outlines;
 > Academic Styles; Math Functions;
 > Images/Objects and Frames; Index and
 > Table of Contents; Orbis; Ibidem; Ibid
 > Plus; Lingua; Archiva

 Columns (parallel and
 snaking), Index, and Table of Contents have been parts of
 XyWrite at least back to version II or II+, so they are
 probably part of the core code. Taking them out may be
 harder than upgrading the code. Outlines came considerably
 later, but many people find them (in their collapsible form)
 very helpful for organization and perspective with longer