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Re: DOS environment

Robert said, "You don't want to bypass AUTOEXEC and CONFIG, do you?
XyWrite will be miserable without memory management and that sort of
thing...," whereupon Brian asked, "is there a standard set of parameters
to go inside both AUTOEXEC and CONFIG that works for Xy (3 & 4?) with all
Win OSs?" Well, I cannot speak for NT, 2k, ME, or XP, but in Win 9.x I
have found that all the memory management I need can be set from the
properties menu of the XyW shortcut on the desktop. Conventional,
expanded, extended, and DOS protected mode are all set to "auto," and
everything runs fine (once I got my screen issues resolved; while that
was mucked up I was getting overwrites of VGA memory). In fact, in 9.x,
you can only run an autoexec and config.sys file before a DOS app if you
do "restart in DOS mode"; you could create an equivalent batch file and
run it before the DOS app in a DOS box in Windows, but not if it contains
the kind of commands (e.g., DEVICE=) that go in config.sys. That's
probably why and how one got out of the habit of including config.sys and
autoexec.bat, if one is coming from 9.x.
	In point of fact, I suspect XyW of having its own memory management
built in--and it probably uses DPM. Witness my recent screen problem and
solution. And the fact that TTG always used Novell DOS 7, which has both
DPMS and DPMI. And the fact that the one time I tried to "install" (as
opposed to copy an already existing installation) XyW 4 under Microsoft
DOS 6.22, having previously "optimized" memory management with MEMMAKER,
the installation aborted with a memory overwrite error message.