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RE: Fwd: Re: XyWrite history? (fwd)

Speaking of history...

1. Yes Fredric, I'd be happy to have whatever historical docs you've got (just send them to

2. Patricia reminds me that I still have some miscellaneous docs that I wasn't sure how to present.
The resent discussions about XyWrite's history has caused the stuff floating around in the back of
my mind to crystallize into a plan.

3. The "electronic manual" project is in progress. But, as good as the OCR program I'm
using is (thanks again Pat!), the books have so many lines that can't be translated (command line
examples) that it's going to be awhile yet before a complete book is ready (maybe I'll post them as
"modules" as they're completed). I think it'll be worth the wait.

4. A timeline of ALL the various iterations of XyWrite (see next posting - "Re: XyWrite
history? (timeline")

-----Original Message - from Patricia:

A modicum of data: I have a photocopy of the 3-col landscape command
reference guide that came with my copy of III+, and handwritten on the
top is "vers 3.52 c. 1988" (with a deci-inch ruler printed along the
left edge). I sent the originals to Bry Henderson some time ago.

Patricia M. Godfrey