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Re: Chars 'Desaparecidos'?


There was an article in the Sept. 26 (or Sept. 19) issue of InfoWorld that had
to do with selecting an undocumented keyboard driver in Windows in the Windows
Control Panel. I think it was the US-International driver. Said driver allows
more symbols and foreign characters than are usually available. I myself do
not use Windows, however, and am no expert in special or international fonts.
So what I'm talking about may turn out to be of little use, but thought I'd
mention it in case it might be of help.

> Characters 'desaparecidos'?
> ---------------------------
> > I am a relatively new user of XY-Windows; I find it excellent,
> even if I still prefer NotaBene + Lingua for my editing work. I

> Unfortunately, I discovered that some chars that display and
> print correctly in Word, WordPerfect and Write do _not_ display
> or print in XY-Windows. Some examples are ANSI 0132 0152, 0153,
> 0154. The point is _not_ that they are wrong, but that they

>     I tried both with XY driver and with Windows driver, but
> with no success. My PC is a 486/50 with Super VGA and colour

Good luck.

Michael O'Brien
Lincoln, MA 01773-4120 mto@xxxxxxxx