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Re: Fw: Xywrite list queries re keyboard assignments

≪ The issue of hard-coded keys is one that has
been raised by XyWrite users before, and we have
made some changes as a result. ≫ --Anne Putnam 

≪ [The nbWin] keys that cannot be assigned by users
are keys that are reserved by Visual Basic for Windows. ≫
--Steve Siebert  to Anne Putnam

Thanks very much, Steve and Anne, for your
responsiveness in liberating the keys NB had tied
up and for taking the trouble to pass along such
thorough info. I'm no less resigned to the loss
of those kbd options, but it's nice to know that
NB and TTG (aside from TTG's hardly unorthodox
choice of VB) are blameless. ... Ciao. 			--annie

======================================= adpFisher  nyc
	xyWin+nbWin+xyW3 !xyWWWiz Web assistants +
	xyWrite 3 supplements !xyWise and !xyWiz +
	Wolfgang Bechstein's seafaring adventures:
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