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Re: OT: Quick substitute for re-booting

Jordan wrote:

A Windows geek I know mentioned some kind of hack or
patch that is supposed to dramatically speed up the
Shut Down process. (I'm going to ask for more
details, when next I see him.)
I'd like to know.

If this is for real,
it left me wondering if there might exist anything
like that for bootups.
I wish. But very doubtful.

Supposedly, some study showed
that the maximum most people were willing to wait for
a bootup to run its course (for *any* OS) was in the
35 - 45 second range. I'm running about 40 seconds
now for W2K. eCS takes more like 20 - 25. Linux --
no idea.

For me XP takes about 2 minutes. I've seen systems (from people who don't
know much about computers) that take 5 minutes.

Harry Binswanger