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Re: Off topic--spam, why does it work?

Harry Binswanger wrote:

> Re tracking down spammers, Jordan wrote:
> >They usually go to great lengths to conceal their true identities and true
> >locations, perhaps because a lot of what they are selling is utterly
> >worthless -- even if you exclude the many offers that are outright fraud.
> >Also, the methods by which they are disseminating their messages are

> > deceptive, may be borderline illegal, and definitely violate the rules of

> > umpteen ISPs. Given those circumstances, if you were doing this, how

> > easily would you care to be found ?

> So even though they are collecting money at some definable location, that
> can't be tracked? Is it that the "location" is in cyberspace--e.g., a
> merchant account for credit-card transactions going to a P.O. box or
> something? I don't mean to belabor this topic. It just seems to me that the
> charge will ultimately appear on your credit-card statement, and Visa or
> whichever company knows who is getting it.


The short answer is, 'I don't know, exactly.' But I'm sure there are techniques to
make attempts to "follow the money" very difficult, unless you are the FBI or an
ace P.I. Maybe even then. If you have ever been to a major gun show, or any other
forum that caters to paranoid subcultures or where survivalist merchandise is sold,
you will pass by some dealer tables where they are selling certain underground
books from little known presses. These books and pamphlets deal with subjects like
establishing fake identities, how to disappear or avoid tracking if people may be
looking for you, and how to live and function "under the radar" of our modern
world. That includes getting money, and being able to move it. Needless to say,
such tradecraft would prove quite useful not just to miscellaneous paranoids and
Ruby Ridge types, but also to assorted criminals and terrorists. I can't quote you
any specific examples of what these books instruct, because I've never had occasion
to research this. (Though I do admit some curiosity about the subject, and could
hazard a few wild guesses.)

Anyway, the info is out there. (It usually is.) My guess is that you might be
able to track down some newbies or clumsy amateurs, but that with anyone who is up
to no good and knows what they are doing, you wouldn't get very far.
