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Re: Looking for XyWrite

** Reply to note from xywrite@xxxxxxxx Tue, 24 Nov 1998 07:25:11 +0900

> Since III and II are not sold any more, I suppose it would be OK
> to give you one for free.

I guess we all basically feel that way, at some gut level. The publisher
has abandoned the product entirely. There is no support, no meaningful help, just
some occasional chatter that bears no fruit. But what you "suppose" and what TTG
thinks may be two entirely different things. They hold a copyright, and if they
choose to, they can enforce it. They're entitled not to sell II or III
anymore, and to sell something else (IV) instead. Furthermore,
NotaBene stills sells a version of III+, and they might object to free gifts. It
would be very helpful if TTG would clarify what material they are willing to let
circulate, and what material they wish to continue to protect. A little generosity
on their part would go a long way toward rapprochement. Besides, it's not as if
we're going to reverse-engineer the product and steal code. The trend these days
seems to be to put non-commercial use of products with dwindling market shares onto
an essentially free basis, and to focus on commercial applications. That is
exactly what TTG is doing, with specialized products selling for $1895, which none
of us are likely to buy. The Signature binaries, for example, could be released
for free use without any downside. Indeed, such a positive step could propel
XyWrite back into competition.

Robert Holmgren