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Re: Fonts for NB

Patricia M. Godfrey wrote:

> flash wrote:
> > ≪there's no excuse for the NB people not to have been doing this all
> > long≫
> >
> > The NB tech support answer to the query seemed pretty lame to me, too. A
> > layout program which doesn't offer elementary font display capabilities
> > is useless.
> Far worse, to my way of thinking, is the fact that the core idea
> behind NB--the bibliography and citation database added on to
> Xy--was mishandled from the get-go. As I remarked a while back, I
> recently discovered that the whole biblio db thing was done
> wrong, wrong, wrong. One big file--the mistake every database
> newbie makes (I did myself, 20-odd years ago), but quickly learns
> is a mistake if they're going anywhere. Unless someone who uses
> it can tell me that they've fixed it since, so that, e.g.,
> authors are in one table, books in another, publishers in
> another, all linked to create each record? I'm not holding my breath.
> --
> Patricia M. Godfrey
> priscamg@xxxxxxxx

Ahhh. Another misinformed comment about NotaBene by someone who
apparently has never used it. In fact, the Ibidem and Orbis modules
work brilliantly; they are beautifully integrated with the editor. In my
opinion, they are very well-designed, not mishandled. My primary Ibidem
database contains nearly 5,000 discrete titles, many of which are
ingeniously linked to my note files. These note files, along with
thousands of other pieces of text (well over 5 million characters and
growing) are efficiently indexed by Orbis. Both modules can search tons of
material and report in a mater of seconds. As I said before, I could not
function as an academic writer without all three components. They work
for me and many others without GPFs or printing problems or any other
problems that I can think of. You say you want different tables for the
various parts of a bibliographic record. That, simply, is not how
bibliographic software is designed, not just NotaBene, but also not
EndNote, ProCite, Citation, LibraryMaster, or RIS, and also not library
catalogs from the Library of Congress to WorldCat and all the software
from Bookwhere to Zotero that reads library catalogs. In all of these, a
single record contains all the pertinent information.

Best regards,

Bill TeBrake
William H. TeBrake
Department of History        E-Mail: tebrake@xxxxxxxx
University of Maine      Telephone: (Int+1) 207-581-1914
Orono, Maine 04469-5774 USA    Fax: (Int+1) 207-581-1817