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Seiber fonts

re: recent comments on Seiber fonts

Unfortunately, in W2K they don't necessarily work. Seiber has a caveat on his DOS-fonts page

- In rare cases the new font sizes aren't listed in the font settings of DOS-Boxes and console
windows of Windows NT4, 2000 and XP even the fonts are installed correctely.
So far I've not been able to reproduce it and I've no idea what's the reason.

I got that very result. I checked the M$ knowledgebase link he provides and have not been able to
get anything I can use from it.

It says:
In Windows 2000 the installation of Console Fonts is no longer automated.

There is a workaround provided that involves registry modifications that I don't understand well
enough to play with (so I'm not, lest I screw something up)

There is also a comment on the M$ page -- "If it is not a TrueTyper font, it must be

Seiber has an OEM font download which I did try after reading the above though he warns against it
*1) New1252.FON contains 3 ANSI fonts with Codepage 1252. That's the codepage normally used under
Windows. But the font has the OEM flag set and its internal name is 'Terminal'. Therefore Windows
list the fonts in the settings of the DOS-Boxes and Terminal windows. The font sizes are different
from the other codepages to make a parallel install possible (8x15, 9x17 and 10x20).
The combination of an ANSI font and the OEM flag is 'illigal', so I hope you know what you do.

It didn't help, but it doesn't seem to have hurt.

Seibert also offers a workaround, which I am also a bit nervous about trying --

If nothing helps, you can try the harder way. If you open the SYSTEM.INI in your Windows folder you
will see something like this:


If you change the first or one oft '80' items to NewDOS.fon, New850.fon or however your font files
are named, the new sizes should appear in the list. Maybe a restart is required.

I don't really need these, I've been doing OK with what W2K provides, so I may not proceed, at least
not now. But if anybody has been through this, I'd be curious to read the results.
