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Re: Clean.Pgm

 I do think what I want is error trapping. The pgm's function is to clean up
received email by removing unwanted headers. The only way I know how to do this
is to SEarch for the beginning of the header, do a DF, SEarch for the end of
the stuff to be deleted, do the second DF, then do a RD. Then I keep doing that
until all the headers (of several downloaded messages) have been removed, and
then I want to do the next task (e.g., cut out needless blank lines).
  So don't I need error trapping to test whether I'm done and need to jump out
of the loop?
  A simpler case of the same need: say you have a file with a lot of extra
carriage return-line feeds in it and you want to eliminate all of them, to
leave only single spacing. You do a  CI command to change 2 CR's to one. But
you have to do it repeatedly, not just once. So you set up a loop, and break
out of it when the CI produces an error. Isn't that the right way?

P.S. Never had any trouble with any of this in XyIII+.