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Re: XyWrite and XyWin

I'll second the motion for a semi-graphics mode. true wysiwyg really isn't
necessary very often but seeing the actual fonts and graphics elements is nice.
frankly, I can't edit productively in graphics mode because of the difficulty
in spoting the triangles. also if the formating is anything but vanilla, and I
do a lot of things with snaking columns, it really gets difficult to move
around the document. much easier in expanded mode without the columns etc being
displayed. okay, Isuppose one is supposed to jump around with the mouse but I'm
still basically a keyboard user.

I've suggested this before, but I still think your image of the product should
be the windows word processor for people who know how to type. that shouldn't
just be a marketing concept. it's also something to keep in mind when
prioritizing features. so ask yourself, "what mode would work best for someone
using the keyboard?"