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Re: Memory Leak?

Harrison, Shawn wrote:
> > ci |blah W blah|yadda W yadda| and see if that works. It probably
> won't.
> Actually, it makes the change just fine. And I'm not getting a memory
> problem out of it.


I am totally delighted to hear this.

> Just for fun, I did the following again today:
>     ci /{qst}WWR{note}
> Yep, still makes a binary mess of the file, as soon as I try to scroll.

Does it put up an error message like "wildcards must be in same order on
both sides of the separator" or something? Sometimes you can perform a
"semi legal" wildcard replace. It will do the first one, then throw up
it's hands and stop on the second.

Where oh where is Sir Robert Holmgren today??!!

Leslie Bialler
Columbia University Press
> http://www.columbia.edu/cu/cup