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Xy under OS/2 (Was: running xy 3+ under windows xp - aarrgghhh!)

** Reply to message from "Chris Madsen"  on Sun, 22
Jun 2003 15:57:03 -0400

> There never was an OS/2 version of Xy. You can pass this
> along to the list if you want.

You ought to know -- but I was told by several people that there was an OS/2
version, albeit maybe not an official one. Lemme see if I can find the msgs...

Andrew Glass, on Compuserve, 4 Jan 1995:
"The Chicago Tribune and a few others are using a ported OS/2 version of
XyWrite III+ that was hacked about five years ago. It is totally text based and
needs its own font drivers -- specific to the VGA layout (ugh!) It is being
marketed by CText, a fine company based in Ann Arbor, Michigan."

Glass again, 19 Aug 1996, this List -- he works for Cox Newspapers, which
presumably is the "we":
"I believe the strongest development path would have been for TTG to release a
fully object-oriented, WPS-aware version for OS/2. As it stands, we're using an
old and clunky OS/2 port of III+ as our word processor. The vendor, CText, will
probably move the newspaper user base to Windows NT 4.0 and MS Word in light of
TTG's lack of response to their needs. An example: one needs to load a specific
font for each XyWrite display iteration."

An earlier one, 25 Dec 1994:
 > every day I think of another way that a Xywrite platform for OS/2
 > could turn into the proverbial greatest thing.


Such a product already exists; having worked with it, I have urged the current
proprietor of TTG to issue beyond its limited OEM circulation in a few
newsrooms, including the Chicago Tribune.


Plus, Chris, somebody else told me off-list that the Detroit Free Press also
had it. But -- what do I know.

> I prefer to lurk.

Our loss.

Robert Holmgren