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Re: Stack

** Reply to message from "M.C."  on Fri, 09 Jan 2004 20:20:00

>> Step 6. CAll STARTUP.INT (XyWrite for DOS) or XWSTART.INT (XyWrite for
>>     Windows), and CoPy the following line into your .INT
>>     file below the "LOGIN" command:
>> JM stack.intQ2;*;

> If I put this line exactly below the "LOGIN" command and before loading
> .U2 and the rest of essential files, XyWrite crashes. Obvious.
> So, after debugging the problem, I put STACK.INT after loading U2, HLP,
> DLG and MNU files.

The only requirement is that it come after DLG is LOADed -- because frame
"stack.int" is (or should be situated) inside DLG The others don't need to be
loaded yet. (Very misleading statement of mine above -- probably people were
having trouble at the time [1995] trying to execute things before they logged
in, I dunno. I'll change it.)

Incidentally, the copy of DLG at xywrite.com already has all the Stack code
inside of it, and is ready-to-go:


> Only a doubt remains: STACK.INT, after or before
> "2.GetXyOS" ?

Doesn't matter.

> Sometimes, I forget to use Shift+Enter and I press
> only Enter. Is it possible that my stability problems could be
> originated by this mistake?

I think it is easier (but obviously preferences differ) to use Enter for Stack
and Grey-Enter (Numpad-Enter) for regular . What "stability problems" are
you referring to?

Robert Holmgren