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Re: Setting paths in NT

** Reply to message from "Patricia M. Godfrey"  on Tue, 08
Aug 2006 12:04:26 -0400

> Note that I don't
> want to have the path ALWAYS (i.e., when I'm not using
> Xy) include the Xy, Ghostscript, and GSView
> directories.

I have Editor's path ONLY in my DOS Path (yes, you set Paths via Control Panel,
never in a BATch file -- why do you need a BATfile anyway?). Why do you need
to set paths to GS? You enter the paths to GS/GSView in U2's REG file, and
that's the end of it. You NEVER call a PIF directly, period. PIFs are for

I guess I don't understand what you're trying to do, or why the need. What is
different about XyWrite that you can't establish in the normal way, and thus
need a BATfile?

Robert Holmgren