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Re: Further on How to toggle Numlock

> From: Harmon Seaver 
>  My understanding is that NT can't handle DOS or win3.1 apps very well
> at all since it does so only thru emulation, and not very robust
> emulation at that, unlike Warp, which is actually a better DOS than DOS.
> You probably should look for a native NT app or switch back to Warp.

Your understanding is at fault here. I am no fan of Microsoft, but I have
experienced almost no problems running Dos or Win3 applications. Windowed
Dos sessions are jerky. But I am successfully able to run Pc/Focus ( a real
memory hog) simultaneously with Access 2 (another memory hog) and venturer
Publisher 3 (Gem), all on a 32meg Pentium 90. Yes, it's not real quick, but
it's real stable - far more than Os/2 ever was for me.