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Re: Further on How to toggle Numlock

Paul Thornett wrote:
> Windowed
> Dos sessions are jerky.

  Right -- that's what I see people talking about on the NT newsgroups.
And some apps don't work at all. That's essentially the same with DOSEMU
in Linux, although that's still under development. Supposedly the new
BOCHS emulator, which emulates the whole X86 machine does a better job,
but I haven't had time to get it going. And maybe now that Caldera is
putting the source code for DOS into the public domain, the emulators
will be able to evolve quicker.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx hseaver@xxxxxxxx
The fundamental delusion of humanity is that I am in here -- and you
are out there.
Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1997. License to distribute this post is
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