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UltraVision is a DOS program that allows you to set screen
colors and fonts for DOS applications (and DOS itself) that
don't have that ability. For example, your DOS prompt can
run with a much improved font on a blue background, etc.

 UV was designed to enhance EGA and VGA video, and there is
a version for laptops.

 XY4 DOS permits you to set screen colors, but you're still
stuck with a poor character mode screen font. UltraVision
runs fine with XY, and the improvement provided by the
better character mode screen font is quite substantial.

 UV has been allowed to fade, I suppose as a result of the
fading market for DOS. One problem I've had with it under
OS/2 on a machine running S3 Vision 864 video is that it
does not properly restore a full screen session when you
switch back into it. The developer still does some support
on CompuServe (PCVENB, Section 4), and had a few ideas for
me to try but unfortunately none worked. Had I known this
in advance, I would have specified a different video card!

 I use UV on another OS/2 machine with no problems; it's the
S3 card that it doesn't like.
 Thomas J. Hawley    tjh@xxxxxxxx
 New York