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Re: TTG Marketing Woes

On 11-FEB-1996 18:24:56.5 xywrite said to LESLIE319
  >This thread--which for some time has said far more about those
  >perpetuating it than it has about xyWrite, TTG marketing, or Ken
  >Frank--is getting downright creepy. On what planet do software CEOs even
  >talk to users, let alone rehash old discussions of their business with
  >each new user who finds them online and addresses them with the manners
  >of a G.O.P. congressman? Get real, guys. Go find some other well to
  >poison.     --A


  Thanks for this post. I absolutely agree.
  My advice to Mr. Frank is to continue to ignore the whines.

`[1;33;42mRainbow V 1.19.1 for Delphi - Registered