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RE: DOS box creepers and Tame (taskbar icons)

Title: RE: DOS box creepers and Tame (taskbar icons)

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Holmgren

** Reply to message from Brian.Henderson@xxxxxxxx on Fri, 1 Nov 2002
07:05:56 -0800

>Hmmm.  I ran my virus scanner against yr msg twice yesterday, and it came up
>clean.  But I assumed that Pomona had stripped out the offending file(s),
>because they cite one of them by name, ZQ.SCR, and it is not part of your msg
>as received here...

I have an original copy of the message, untouched by Pomona, and I can't find anything wrong with it.

>I got four attachments:
>an HTML copy of your text msg [no need to send those!]

I didn't send it that way on purpose. My mail reader shows just the ICO and JPG attachments! Where did the other 2 come from?

>the "X-III" icon in JPG format (XYCON.JPG)
>the "X-III" icon in Windows ICO format (FAVICON.ICO)
>an (illegally-named?) file called OUTLOOK..BMP, which is the "X-III" icon in
>BMP format

>I also don't see any "rich-text" version of your msg, as received here...

The fact that you don't see my message as rich-text must be due to the mail reader you're using. I seem to recall when we used CCMail here that rich-text (or HTML) files came "chopped-up" like the way you describe.

Obviously, Microsquish doesn't occupy much space in your life. (I'm leaning towards following your example...at home. I'm going to try Pegasus I think.)

If you'd like to try an experiment, I can send you my original message and you can see what sort of pieces your reader splits it into.

-Brian H.