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Re: conversion from XyWrite to word

** Reply to message from Lisa Kleinholz  on Mon, 25 Oct
2004 15:33:42 -0700 (PDT)

>> Does there exist a program that converts (or nearly converts) a
>> XyWrite document into Word?

> Yes. Instructions here:
> http://holmgren.home.acedsl.com/filters.htm

> Filters are available here:
> http://www.xywrite.com/xy4/filters/filters_02.htm

> Holmgren's instructions are entitled, Undocumented Freestanding Use of
> Word-4-Word Text Conversion Filters -- How to Convert XyWrite 3(+),
> XyWrite 4-DOS, or XyWin Documents to Microsoft Word v6|v7|v8 [97]|v9
> [v2000]|v10 [v2002]--The Satisfaction-Guaranteed ?DOS-Only? Method

> It seems complicated but if you follow instructions, it isn't too bad.

The method that Lisa mentions works! It is the *native* method. It is the
best method. Just automate it with a BATch file, then forget about it. Like

Download these two ZIPfiles, unZIP, and put the contents (WFW17F.EXE and
WFW49T.EXE) in the \XY4\FILTERS directory, overwriting any existing file of the
same name:


Then commit the following BATch file to disk in your XyWrite directory --
change the d:\paths appropriately (what is your default directory for M$Word
DOCfiles? what is the drive:\directory name for XyWrite text files, if it
isn't d:\XY4? "d:" just stands for "any drive" -- you gotta CHANGE it to the
actual one!):

@echo off
if %1!==! goto err
if %2!==! goto err
if not exist %1 goto nofile
if exist "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My Documents\%2" goto killdupe
if not exist d:\XY4\FILTERS\W4W17F.EXE goto noexe
if not exist d:\XY4\FILTERS\W4W49T.EXE goto noexe
echo Converting XyWrite file "%1" to intermediate format...
d:\XY4\FILTERS\W4W17F.EXE %1 /N /V2
echo Converting intermediate format to MSWord document "%2"...
echo Done
goto exit
echo Filter file not found - Aborting...
goto exit
REM Target file MUST NOT already exist!
REM Switch /P below offers option to DELete or NOT DELete target file
echo File "%2" exists -- delete it or not (Y/N)?
del /P "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\My Documents\%2"
echo If you deleted file "%2", then re-run "CONV2WRD.BAT %1 %2";
echo  otherwise change the MSWord_OutFilename to a nonexistent filename
goto exit
echo File "%1" not found
echo Syntax: CONV2WRD.BAT XyWrite_InFilename MSWord_OutFilename

Command, at a DOS prompt (use short 8.3 filenames -- assumption: source file
is in current directory; if not, alter the BATfile to specify the source
directory, or CD into that directory before running the BATfile):

CONV2WRD.BAT XyWrite_InFilename MSWord_OutFilename

Done. NBWin has even better, more modern filters -- if you own NBWin. But
these several filters understand XyWrite file structure; as for the others --
well, maybe, & maybe not...

Robert Holmgren