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Re: Further on How to toggle Numlock

Paul Thornett wrote:

> I have recently changed my operating system from Os/2 Warp to Windows NT 4.
> Much of my work involves PC/Focus, which is a Dos database management
> system. When I invoke XyWrite from within Pc/Focus, I want CapsLock to be

  My understanding is that NT can't handle DOS or win3.1 apps very well
at all since it does so only thru emulation, and not very robust
emulation at that, unlike Warp, which is actually a better DOS than DOS.
You probably should look for a native NT app or switch back to Warp.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx hseaver@xxxxxxxx
The fundamental delusion of humanity is that I am in here -- and you
are out there.
Copyright, Harmon F. Seaver, 1997. License to distribute this post is
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