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Re: Changing character sets in Xy4 [ was Re: TYP and XY3]

** Reply to message from: "Robert Holmgren" , 1 Feb
2005 18:01:15 -0500

≪And 1252 is what M$ has defined as the future. That train is pulling
out of the station very very slowly, maybe intentionally, so that anyone
can hop on -- but eventually it'll be gone.)≫

Yes, but is it going to some little island (OK, OK, trains aren't much
good getting to islands)? Back in 10/2003 you wrote:

≪non-standard Windows-only ANSI 1252 charset (CodePage)≫

And somewhere (but I cannot find it right now) I'm sure you or someone
said that this was indeed M$-only, and the rest of the civilized world
used something else. It's bad enough that we're the only place in the
world (with the exception, last I heard, of Myamnar) that is NOT using
the metric, or SI, system of measurement. Let's not isolate ourselves
with some provincial codepage. Or has the rest of the world jumped on the
M$ train too? If so, OK; much as I love to hate M$, this is an area where
a universal convention is really needed.

Patricia M. Godfrey