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Re: Thanks to Carl

Reply to note from "Patricia M. Godfrey"  Sun,
21 Jun 2009 14:22:43 -0400


> I've always heard the phrase as "a scholar and a gentleman."

The pairs are used interchangeably, I think. Here are two early,
contemporaneous quotations from the OED:

1607 Peele's Jests (c 1620) 11 He goes directly to the Mayor, tels
him he was a Scholler and a Gentleman.
1621 BP. R. MONTAGU Diatribae 181 As becommed a Gentle~man and a

> Cognac or Port is fine, but spare me champagne...

Oh, dear, and with not even a capital "C". A good thing I offered
cognac, then....

Carl Distefano