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Re: TAME Pre6

 Harry: Please read the interpolated comment below. Maben

On Fri, 28 Jul 2006, Harry Binswanger wrote:

> I have just installed Tame pre6 and have found it excellent. I have none of
> the problems that Maben reports. That is, I don't get erratic behavior (but
> I've only tested a few minutes so far), no 0 anywhere it shouldn't be, I do
> see the text-size menu, but to get to it, right click, then choose "Adjust
> Text Display." The button indicating what size is chosen is still off
> (shows two points too large, I think), but that ctrl+wheel trick eliminates
> the need for all this: I just spin the wheel till I get the size I want.
> Superscript is definitely raised nicely above the baseline. Unfortunately,
> subscript  doesn't go below the baseline.

Interesting.... I do get "Adjust text display." But off this
option, I get a set of 7 colour options, and off the top colour
option, I get a set of 25 options beginning with Default, LineDraw,
Symbol, Console, Proportional, Terminal, etc. There is no option
dealing with size of font. That option is located off the icon
on the upper left of the screem, under View, then Test Font.

As I said, Ctrl+wheel works to select the size of the font, but
the size I like is so close to the size before it that adjusting
it is slower than selecting the right size from a menu.

As for Superscript, well I just don't have superscript as I did
in the past. The foot- and endnote numbers as reduced in size
alright, but they are on the line. Is there a way that I can
force the numbers to be a bit above the line, ...by adding a
line to a configuration file perhaps?

I may seem persistent on these matters, but as those amongst you
who do a lot of academic writing realise, it's important to have
a visual set up that works and is not disturbing to the eye, other-
wise one has a tendency to abandon one's wordprocessor for another
that may not be as sophisticated in certain respects, but is not
visually offensive. In short, I find the DOS window font so
disturbing that I am driven to using MSWord. Oh, gosh, what a
terrible thing to say.

> The menu options (when you left click on the title bar's icon at the left)
> have been expanded. I can now set the repeat rateusing a menu which shows 1
> to 9. I like 8, vs. the about 2 that I get without Tame.

Where exactly do you see "Repeat rate"?

> Installation is a no-brainer, too. I just downloaded the executable from
> TAMEDOS.COM and clicked "yes" or "agree" or "next" a few times and it was
> done. Total install time, maybe 8 seconds.>

Well, that's true for me too.

> For those who have an earlier version of 5.1: to prepare for installing
> pre6, in C:\PROGRAM FILES\ I did the following:
> 1. Made a new folder to receive the superseded version (pre5 in my case)
> 2. Moved all the contents from \PROGRAM FILES\TAME 5.1\ into that new folder
> I didn't mess with any uninstall. Nor did I even delete the (emptied) TAME
> 5.1 folder. I only did the preceding two steps.

Since you did not uninstall, is it possible that you are using
TAME 5.1, Pre 5 menus in Pre 6? I ask because some of 5.1 Pre5
can survive the upgrade under ...\My Documents\Tame 5.1\....

> Where to get pre6:
> http://tamedos.com/downloads/downloads.htm
> Harry Binswanger
> hb@xxxxxxxx