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Re: dosemu vs. dosbox

Raphael Tennenbaum wrote:
I thought perhaps there was a way to disable Ctrl-C in stty, which is how Linux's terminal is configured, and there may be, but getting under the hood looked like a headache. Then a search yielded an old DOS TSR called keystop (kystp110.zip in www.bookcase.com/library/software/msdos.util.keyboard.html) which seemed at least worth a try: it loads in either config.sys or autoexec.bat, though using the latter apparently is preferable since there's less of a chance of another program knocking it aside. So far, tests have proved encouraging -- spending a number of minutes hitting Ctrl-C over and over and over, which before would have crashed DE one out of every six or seven times at least, didn't leave a dent.
I wonder, Paul -- do you have rawkeyboard set on (1) in your dosemu.conf?
Before I installed the TSR, with rawkeyboard switched on, the Ctrl-C problem was
much more severe than what you describe.

I have rawkeyboard set to (auto) -- the default -- in my .dosemurc file.
Changing it to (1) or (0) doesn't seem to make much difference in how soon CTRL+c crashes things.

With kystp in place, what setting are you using?

Thanks for the info, I'll give kystp a try and go back to CTRL+c.
You may have read this already online, but if not, there are other font options for dosemu (though I usually use one of the default fonts).
If you have the Terminus fonts installed, you can try them out. They
come in a variety of sizes and codepages; the format for invoking them is

#$_X_font = "-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-ibm-cp850"
#$_X_font = "-xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-ibm-cp850"
#$_X_font = "-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-100-ibm-cp850"
#$_X_font = "-xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-100-ibm-cp850"
in the Fonts section of dosemu.conf or .dosemurc. (If a font's specified in the configuration file but not available, Dosemu uses the default font.)
Generally, "-c-" (character cell) fonts work best if you don't use one
of the default Dosemu fonts; -p- (proportional) fonts don't work; a
couple -m- (monospaced) fonts work so-so (I've gotten some screen
artifacts at times). The command "xlsfonts -fn
"-*-*-*-*-*--0-0-*-*-m-0-*"|sort|uniq >scalable_fonts" will give you a
list of scalable monospace fonts that may be usable as screen fonts in
Dosemu. (You can check to see if xlsfonts is installed and will run by
trying "xlsfonts -h" first.) The output file ("scalable_fonts") will
have a seemingly endless listings of fonts, most involving variations in
codepage and face (roman, italics, reverse italic, etc.) A single
listing looks like:

You copy a listing to .dosemurc and add an appropriate size to the font specifications (modify the -0-'s in "--0-0-0-0-m-0-"); some sizes will produce screen artifacts. In my experience it wasn't worth trying out any but the "-r-normal-" (the "-r-" is the critical part) fonts. Examples of some of my experimental modifications:
#$_X_font = "-monotype-andale
#$_X_font = "-monotype-andale
#$_X_font = "-monotype-courier
#$_X_font = "-unknown-freemono-medium-r-normal--0-180-0-0-m-0-iso10646-1"
